


Ronda´s Coastal Walk: from Calella de Palafrugell to Cala Estreta

If we follow the signs GR92 from Calella towards Cap Roig, a first must stop is the lookout from the San Roc Hotel. The views are worth it.. After this pitstop we continue through the GR92 path. The trail goes up and down, walking next to beautiful cliffs, through tunnels and everything surrounded by the blue of the Mediterranean Sea and the green of the pine trees. We will finally arrive at the Golfet cove, a visit and a deep is a must. Then we will go back through our steps to go up some long stairs where on the top there is a sign from the Catalan poet Maragall:

Dues coses hi ha

que el mirar-les juntes

me fa el cor més gran:

la verdor dels pins,

la blavor del mar.

Once you reach Cap Roig, you have to go up through a wide path that it’s in the bush. There are other paths that go down to the right, towards Palafrugell too; but we will talk about them in another post. Our walk today is really hot, so you have to bring a water bottle as there is no way to find water along the walk.

If you keep walking along the wide path, you will finally arrive at Castell´s beach, but inland, without lookouts and views to the sea. As we are after the views, we will go down to El Crit cove to admire its beauty. As it is a rocky beach, we will recommend bringing waterproof shoes so you do not hurt yourself getting in and out the water. Also, bring your goggles to see what the Mediterranean sea has to offer underwater. And for those who are interested, it is a nudist beach.

We keep walking towards our destination through a rocky, but not dangerous path, however not suitable for people with limited mobility. The end of the path finished in Cap de Planes, with its big rocks and from where you can see the Illes Formigues. It is one of the most beautiful sections of the walk. Keep walking straight on the sand and you will reach Cala Bona and Cala Estreta. Located more to the West, these are coves to enjoy in the afternoon. 

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